Facing Direction of Your House: Easy Ways to Find Out

Facing Direction of Your House: Easy Ways to Find Out

Facing Direction of Your House
  • 24 Jun 2024

Facing Direction of Your House: Easy Ways to Find Out

When buying or building a new house, what factors would you consider? Location, infrastructure, amenities? Yes, those are all imperative for good appreciation in the future and convenience, but one intrinsic crucial factor that often gets overlooked is the house's facing direction. 

Before diving into the tips and methods to check the facing direction, it's important to understand what it means. The facing direction of a house is typically the direction in which the main entrance or the front of the house faces. This direction can significantly impact the various aspects of your living experience, from ventilation, energy flow, natural light and energy efficiency to your home's Feng Shui or Vastu compliance. 

Understanding and checking the facing direction of your house can help you make an informed decision and ensure that your home is comfortable and harmonious. First, let’s understand the various means of determining the house-facing direction. 

Checking The Facing Direction 

1. Using a Compass

One of the most common and reliable methods to determine the facing direction of your house is by using a compass. Here's how you can do it:

Stand at the main entrance of your house, facing outward. Hold the compass steadily and flat in your hand and ensure it's away from any metal objects that might interfere with its reading. Allow the compass needle to settle and then note the direction it points. This is the facing direction of your house.

Modern smartphones also have built-in compass apps that can serve this purpose if you don't have a physical compass.

2. Using the Sun’s Position

The position of the sun can also help you determine the facing direction of your house, especially if you don't have a compass handy. Here’s a simple method to use the sun's position:

Stand at your main entrance in the morning. If the sun is rising to your left, your house faces north. If it's rising to your right, your house faces south.

Around noon, the sun is roughly in the south in the northern hemisphere and in the north in the southern hemisphere. Observe the shadows and sun position to deduce the direction.

This method can be particularly useful if you have a good understanding of the cardinal directions and how the sun moves across the sky.

3. Using the Floor Plan

If you have access to the architectural floor plan of your house, it can be a useful tool in determining the facing direction. Most floor plans are drawn with the north at the top of the page. By identifying the main entrance and comparing it to the orientation on the floor plan, you can determine the facing direction. This method is highly accurate, especially if the floor plan is detailed and properly oriented.

5. Consulting Vaastu Experts

For those who believe in traditional practices like Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui, consulting an expert can be very beneficial. These experts can not only help you determine the facing direction of your house but also provide insights into how the orientation can affect your well-being and prosperity and remedies to amend any blockages that could thwart your living experience. They can offer guidance on how to enhance positive energy flow and mitigate any negative impacts based on the facing direction.

6. Practical Implications

Understanding the facing direction of your house has several practical implications:

  • Natural Light: A south-facing house will receive more sunlight, which can be beneficial during winter months.

  • Energy Efficiency: Proper orientation can reduce heating and cooling costs by maximizing natural light and ventilation.

  • Resale Value: Homes with favourable facing directions often have higher resale values due to their enhanced living conditions.

Choosing the Direction for Your Main Entrance

Homeowners frequently inquire about the most auspicious direction for their house's main entrance to enhance their fortune and well-being. The main entrance is of paramount importance as it serves as the gateway through which energy enters your home. It is also the primary access point for guests and family members. Therefore, it is crucial to have a Vastu-compliant main entrance that attracts positive vibes, which are essential for promoting prosperity, happiness, and the overall well-being of your household.

When considering the direction of the main entrance, the following directions, known to be auspicious, must be kept in mind.

North or Northeast

A main entrance facing North or Northeast is considered highly auspicious. The North is governed by the deity Kuber, associated with riches and wealth. Consequently, families living in a north-facing home often experience financial well-being and prosperity. Similarly, an entrance facing the Northeast is favorable for those in financial professions as it attracts fortune and success.


The East direction is linked with the rising sun, symbolizing energy and positivity. According to Vastu principles, an East-facing main entrance is highly favorable, ensuring that the house benefits from the rejuvenating energy of the morning sun. This alignment brings vitality and positive energy into the home.


A main entrance facing Northwest invites health, wealth, and prosperity. However, this direction can result in the male head of the family spending more time away from home due to the strong flow of energy. To balance this, experts recommend remedies such as using a helix or pyramid to harmonize the energy flow.


West-facing properties bring in wealth and the energies associated with the setting sun. This direction is favourable for inviting prosperity and success. For enhanced well-being and prosperity, experts often recommend homes with a Northwest orientation within this category.

Tips for Ensuring the Best House-Facing Direction

What To Do

  • Ensure that the entrance to your house is clean, aesthetically appealing, uncluttered, and properly maintained.

  • The use of wood on the entrance door of the house is known to attract beauty and warmth as wood is considered to be an auspicious material. 

  • Choose the material of the front based on the direction of the entrance. For a south-facing house, both metal and wood for the door are recommended.

  • For a house facing West, a metal front door is considered suitable.

  • For a north-facing home,  silver or similar accents for the handles or doorknobs are recommended.

  • Ensure that the front door of the home opens in the clockwise. This is known to bring positive energy into your house.

  • The threshold should be slightly raised. This is known as an auspicious sign for your home.

  • Decorate your property with religious symbols. You may hang images of deities on the front door, like Lakshmi or Ganesha, or trinkets. Also, a decorative door hanging or toran, along with a nameplate can enhance the appeal of your home.

What To Not Do

  • Avoid having three doors placed parallel to the main entrance, as this can negatively impact your family's happiness and prosperity.

  • Ensure that the main door is not obstructed by a shoe rack or other objects to allow positive energy to enter your home unobstructed.

  • Refrain from using dark colours on the front door, as they are believed to attract negative energy. Keep the area around the entrance well-lit to promote your family's prosperity and peace.

  • Maintain silence when opening or closing doors, as noise can disrupt the flow of energy into your home.

Checking the facing direction of your house is an essential step in ensuring a comfortable and harmonious living environment. By considering the tips mentioned above, you can make an informed decision and create a home that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. 

Selecting the right direction for your main entrance not only aligns your home with beneficial natural forces but also ensures that the energy entering your home supports the well-being and prosperity of its occupants.
